Saturday, May 14, 2011


Airhead Behavior Becomes New Human Norm As Underachievement Reaches New Heights

: 867

Summary: Right now, look high and low, and what do you see? Airhead behavior – in truth, so considerably of it that it’s threatening to become the new human norm. What is going on here? And can we discover hope anywhere?

Yes. Where, you might ask? We’ll take a look.

Key phrases: humor,comedy,satire,political satire,laugh,joke,news,news laugh,newslaugh,laughs,laughter,spoof,spoofs,skit,skits

Write-up Body: These days, look high and low, and what do you see? Airhead behavior – in truth, so considerably of it that it’s threatening to become the new human norm. What is going on here? And can we locate hope anywhere?

Yes. Where, you might ask? We’ll take a look.

But to infuse the proceedings with suitable levity, let’s initial present NewsLaugh’s Ten Slams For New Heights In Underachievement.

Then we’ll turn to those gifted and resilient human beings who refuse to partake in the worldwide slide toward the moronic and, instead, valorously persist in their commendable quest for overachievement.

Here are Ten Slams For New Heights In Underachievement

1. The insurgents in Iraq, for explosively undermining the peaceful and progressive rebuilding of their own country, along with terrorists everywhere, for cloaking murder with religious-speak apparently with out realizing that their verbal yip “God is fantastic” and operational guideline “Life is inexpensive” are at idiotic odds with each other, given that, if God is fantastic, He’d only make excellent issues, just alike a excellent dumbbell maker would only make excellent dumbbells.

2. The Taliban in Afghanistan, for managing to preserve themselves from any notion of really religious behavior, which need to, for all God’s chillin, contain effusive mutual consideration, not to mention the identical for 1’s possibly turban-tossing self, as properly as Islamic militants of comparable ilk wherever they so mercilessly inflict their airborne medievalism.

three. The Palestinians who maintain firing rockets at Israel, which are truly metaphorical rockets they’re firing at their woeful selves.

four. The Iranian “mullahtocracy” for alarming the world and any sane member of their own society by the senseless and impossible pursuit of nuclear hegemony in the region and threats to civilized men and women with far far more weaponry.

five. The warring factions in Somalia and Darfur for managing to starve, rape, and kill off tens of thousands of their own men, girls, and young children, along with the equally insightful bombers in Bali who apparently feel blowing up innocent men and women is the way to have their God reach down and drag them to paradise by their religiously motivated beards.

6. All governments who shrug their shoulders at the human role in producing the globe too toasty for the survival of the Dairy Queen and other aspects of human life that demand cooler temps to continue.

7. Individuals on the property front who can’t appear to restrain themselves from killing members of their own families, not to mention other innocents who take place to get in the way of their illicit intentions, and the occasional individual who still appears to uncover it needed to eat a fellow human being.

8. Men who insist on kidnapping and sexually molesting females, whether or not age five, 25, or 95.

9. Corporate execs who can’t appear to maintain their fingers out of the till or otherwise take the businesses they’ve been trusted to conduct will skill for a mighty large spill.

10. Young individuals who haven’t got sufficient of a notion of their own self-worth and the worth of other folks, such as their distressed parents, to lay off of all forms of destructive behavior and tune into the still faint bleeping of their own greatest possible.

Now, with a spectacular increment in our approval rating, as nicely our joy, let’s turn to our countervailing consolation and praiseworthy hopes: the gifted and resilient men and women who continue to aim for the heights of human achievement, regardless of the pervasive idiocy that encroaches on their persistent positive bents.

1. Medical researchers who carry on with their life-enhancing quest for drugs that will cure cancer, treat AIDS, depopulate mosquitoes, and address other amenable causes of human misery.

2. Tech wizards, who wake up each day bright-eyed in their objective of advancing the revolution in communication, mechanical medicine, and all other promising fields of extrapolation.

three. Politicos and execs who are worthy of the trust that leadership entails and distinguish themselves in the service of its inspiriting call.

four. Individuals who genuinely do feel in freedom and democracy, which, inconveniently for several, consists of the wisdom to abstain from attempting to make everyone march in lockstep with their own less than universally inviting enthusiasms.

five. Artists and academics who realize that a free mind can only cavort on a stage supported by a free economy, wooly wild and discomfiting that numerous of its aspects might be.

five. NASA, for continuing to think in the rewards of space exploration, even in the face of so numerous short-sighted cutbacks that the space age is beginning to think like a dream of a far more farseeing age.

7. All teachers who care, except those who can’t appear to resist sexually molesting the student body.

8. Intelligent individuals everywhere, such as Bill, Melinda, and Warren for philanthropy that proves Santa Claus doesn’t often dress in red and say, “Ho, ho, ho!”

9. Nice individuals anywhere, no matter how Intelligent, dumb, educated or ignorant they are.

10. Everyone who appreciates the lastly incomprehensible gift of life and knows that performing the greatest we can with it is the surest way to distinguish our own lives and express reverence for whatever gifted it.

Could the initial ten winners read about the second ten and choose to join them. Billions would cheer. And genuinely soon would be a real boon.

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