Movie Posters - for that Special Finishing Touch to your Residence Theater
: 518
Summary: The use of Movie Posters to decorate House theater rooms is an successful way to aid bring about the Hollywood magic in the comfort of your Residence.
Several House theater enthusiasts go into wonderful detail about deciding on their AV equipment – and that is the way it really should be. Even so, couple of recognize that equally critical is the way you present your favorite movie poster. The way you hang that movie ‘memory’ on your wall plays a determining role in reliving the movie magic in your Residence.
Key phrases: movie posters, poster light boxes, poster framing, backlit poster boxes, movie artwork, posters
Post Body: Poster Presentation - Framing, Mounting and Light Boxes
Poster presentation is a most critical aspect that ought to be taken into consideration when hanging a poster of your favorite movie on a wall. Proper presentation that matches with the rest of the room decor can aid bring about the movie expertise, but not only.
Presenting your newly acquired movie poster by framing or mounting will result in a far more appealing finished item in any room. In certain, framed movie posters are most Suitable in a ‘shared’ room House theater e.g. a living room or a bedroom Property theater.
Even so, mounting and in certain framing a poster, provides a further essential benefit - it also represents an critical step towards helping your posters remain nice for a lot longer.
Whilst both frames and mounts provide a fantastic way of presenting a much more appealing finish in any room, however in the case of a dedicated Property theater room, the ultimate in movie poster presentation is the backlit poster light box. The use of a backlit box will much better aid bring about the cinematic 'feeling' into your House.
Movie poster light boxes add a Special finishing touch to your Residence theater, or in that case, anywhere you want to display your favorite poster.
The Poster Light Box:
The classical way to illuminate movie posters for display is from behind. Most poster light boxes operate in this manner by having a light source mounted on the rear side of a box frame. A diffuser plate is utilized to aid get rid of the formation of feasible hot spots of light over the movie poster region.
These poster light boxes are also referred to as 'backlit poster boxes' and are usually created to take 1 Sheet posters. The latter are normally 27 inches in width by 40 to 41 inches in height, depending on whether or not the poster is a pre 1983/1985 or otherwise. (A lot more details on movie poster sizes is accessible at
Take care, Even so! Not all 1-sheet size movie posters are very best suited for display in a backlit poster light box. Why?
1 sheet comes in either single-sided or double-sided prints, with the latter becoming designated as ‘DS’ 1-Sheet. Whilst it is probable to mount either kind in a poster light box, however the greatest posters to use in a backlit poster light box are double-sided posters.
DS 1 Sheet posters have printing on both the front and the back of the paper stock, with the printing on the backside becoming in precise alignment with that on the front and a mirror image of the printing on the front side.
Light from behind the 1-sheet poster will have to pass by means of both prints, with the poster acting as if it is a strip of film. The two prints on either side of the poster will render for a much more robust and wealthy illumination of the poster artwork.
That is not to say that the less expensive and much more widespread single-sided posters are not Appropriate for use in backlit light boxes. It is just that 1-sided 1-Sheet posters look somewhat washed-out when illuminated from behind.
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